Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kisah perasaan saya dikembangkan

Hari ini saya ditugaskan untuk menjaga ruang CVCU. Apa itu CVCU? Ialah kependekan untuk Cardiovascular Care Unit, atau nama glamour dekat Malaysia orang panggil CCU. Jadi di situ lah tempat segalanya bermula. Segalanya apa??

Oleh kerana tidak ramai patient yang harus diobservasi dan tambahan pula saya sudah selesai meng-follow-up kesemua 5 orang penderita penyakit jantung yang berada dalam keadaan kritikal-tetapi-stabil, maka saya duduk di kaunter dan berniat untuk belajar. Tetapi di situ ada dua orang doktor bertugas yang agak sibuk dan minta dibantu. Jadi saya pun menghulurkan khidmat saya untuk menampal hasil-hasil ECG ke dalam fail status para penderita. Sambil membuat kerja, kami berborak-borak. Maklumlah, sebagai rakyat asing di negara ini, banyak persoalan yang mau mereka tanyakan. Bak kata cikgu bahasa inggeris sewaktu di sekolah 'curiosity' tau? Curiosity (saya lupa apa perkataannya dalam BM).

Bermula dengan perawat-perawat diruangan, bermacam-macam soalan yang mereka tanyakan tentang tanahair saya. Saya pula sangat bangga menceritakan kepada mereka. Tiba suatu saat, salah seorang doktor bertanya

"kamu memang asli Malaysia? Bangsa Melayu?"

Dalam hati saya mula terfikir, adakah dia ingat saya berasal dari Papua?? Ada rupa ke?

Saya pun menjawab "Iya dok"

Dia bertanya lagi "orang tua mu keduanya juga Melayu?"

Dah agak dah, mesti dia buat perangai ingat I ni mix, ceh! Tapi dia ingat I mix dengan apa? Itu rahsia! Jadi kita teruskan cerita tadi, doktor itu bertanya lagi

"kamu Malaysianya yang di bagian mana"


"Selangor itu yang dekat dgn Kalimantan atau yang bukan"

"Dekat dgn KL"

Biasalah, kalau cakap KL baru mereka tau. Selangor memang tak famous ke?? Kesian…

Dipendekkan lagi cerita, doktor itu terus bertanya

"Di Malaysia kamu ada ikut foto-foto ta?"

"foto-foto???" sangatlah blur dengan pertanyaan kali ini…

"Maksudku, modeling"

OMG!!! Kau tengok muka aku ni ada macam model ke??! (Walaupun sebenarnya dah start kembang)

"Oh ngak dok, ngak pernah. Malah ngak bisa. Aku kan gemuk!" jawapan yang penuh merendah diri.

"Gemuk dimananya? Maksudku itu, kamu kan tinggi, bagus, masa ngak bisa jadi model?"

OMG x 2!!! Kembangnya, malunya, mana nak sorok taik lalat dekat muka ni?? Tapi, dia tak nampak ke spare tyre saya yang menumpuk ni?! Atau mungkin dia hanya sekadar memerli? Tapi saya tetap perasan kalau maksud dia tu saya 'bagus'. 'Bagus' itu maksudnya cantik ke?

Kenapa sebelum ini tak pernah ada orang yang kata saya 'bagus'? Mungkin, sebab hari ini buat julung-julung kalinya saya memakai eyeliner. Kenapa saya pakai eyeliner hari ini?

Saya pakai eyeliner hari ini sebab… apabila saya bangun tidur pagi tadi, mata saya seperti menyepet (sepet) beberapa millimeter. Saya kelihatan seperti seorang sumo Jepun yang tembam dan bermata sepet. Kenapa tiba-tiba jadi macam ni? Mungkin sebab saya kelebihan tidur.

Malam kelmarin, saya tidur jam 10 kerana saya merasa tidak enak badan. Mama dan papa menelifon saya malam itu, lalu sebagai seorang emak, mama perasan suara saya berubah seperti orang yang sedang selsema. Sebenarnya saya tak perasan pun saya selsema. Mama suruh saya makan ubat dan makan vitamin. Jadi, saya pun mengambil sebiji Chlorpheniramine Maleat (atau nama glamour CTM) dan menelannya dengan bantuan beberapa teguk air minuman Aqua. Sejurus setelah itu, saya tidur dan tidak terjaga sama sekali sampai jam 6:15 pagi.

What 6:15am??!
terkejut beruk juga tadi sebab itu sudah agak lambat untuk saya. Kenapa saya tak dengar bunyi alarm? Nasib baik saya dengar bunyi sms. Saya sangat happy, sebab boyfriend saya sms pagi-pagi. Adakah kalau dia tak sms, saya akan terlajak tidur?

Walaubagaimanapun, sambung cerita tadi, mata saya menjadi sepet sebab saya terlebih tidur. Atau mungkin saya alergi obat CTM??? Tidak!! Ini bukan Steven-Johnson Syndrome! Saya tidak alergi obat, lebih-lebih lagi CTM. Sudah banyak kali saya mengkonsumsinya. Eh, over la plak.

Dipendekkan lagi cerita, setelah selesai jam kerja, saya pun pulang ke rumah dengan niat untuk bercermin. Betul ke I ni boleh jadi model? Kalau tengok badan, memang out lah kan sebab banyak lemak, kalau tinggi, InsyaAllah boleh pakai, kalau cantik? Masih belum dapat dipastikan. Jadi, sejurus setelah sampai ke rumah, saya pun berniat untuk bercermin. Tetapi sebelum sampai ke cermin, saya telah meng-on laptop dan duduk menghadapnya sehingga lupa untuk menukar pakaian, malah saya juga lupa untuk melihat wajah saya yang (fill in the blanks). Maklumlah, saya terus chatting dgn bf saya…

Semasa sedang menghadap laptop, saya pun teringat untuk bercermin, tetapi cermin saya terletak di belakang meja belajar. Jadi, dengan menggunakan teknologi canggih yang terdapat dilaptop ini, saya pun on la webcam (sebab dekat webcam boleh mencermin diri). Seperti yang semuanya sedia maklum, kadang-kadang saya menjadi narcissi apabila berada di depan webcam sehingga tercapturelah beberapa foto yang dikatagorikan sebagai 'gambar-gambar tak boleh blah~'.

Bila dah puas tengok muka serious, mula lah boring dengan muka sendiri, lalu saya cuba membuat beberapa wajah yang mungkin akan jadi wajah saya kalau saya benar-benar seorang kacukan.Oh, tengok rambut saya yang sudah sebulan tidak di-saloon. Fringe saya pun dan semakin panjang dan boleh disikat ke tepi sehingga saya tidak lagi ber-bang seperti kanak-kanak istimewa kelas peralihan. Sejak mula jadi Dokter Muda, rambut saya tak pernah di spa. Kesian… tapi, kan saya guna Rejoice yang seakan-akan menggantikan perawatan minyak panas. Tapi, itu kan hanya di iklan, dimana pada hakikatnya syampu itu tidaklah sehebat mana pun… tipuuuuuu!

Sambung cerita sikit, pagi tadi saya dapat Starbucks Caramel Macchiato. Saya dibelikan 'minuman tenaga batin' itu oleh Frente yang baru sahaja pulang dari Surabaya (Ya lah, dekat Malang mana ada Starbucks, BOOO!!). Frente, saya sayang kamu!

Tahukah anda Caramel Macchiato adalah minuman yang mendapat ranking ketiga dalam senarai minuman-minuman terhebat yang pernah saya minum? Sebelumnya mestilah Caramel Java Chips Frappuccino. Tapi yang pertama, saya tetap peminat setia air mineral!

Panjangnya saya tulis! Okay, sambung next entre.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy day!

  • Kenapa happy?
Ada cerita disebaliknya... Hehe

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bangil in 7 days (Part II)

Fifth day in Bangil"Hari Natal yang Fatal", it was Christmas. Nah, I don't get public holiday. We started quite late in the morning, all wards seemed so calm. I went back into the office to fill in the report, few seconds after I landed myself, I was jolted by a howl of cries. Two girls came running into the office and told us that their father was still. We ran towards his bed and… yea, there was my 2nd death declaration – no fainted family members.

The evening, was another death case due to septic shock. The patient was already on a very bad condition and was put on our high observation, however she couldn't make it through, even after a few resuscitation. There was my 3rd death declaration – everyone was calm as we already made them to expect any form of bad news.

That evening, we went to town and had sate kambing! I'm not that much of a mutton person, but the muttons were finger licking good!

Sixth day in Bangil – Back to our normal morning 'workout'. Well, not exactly a workout, but ground ward round was just too exhausting that I could excrete a liter of sweat after rounding all 40 over patients in 8 wards. Cape deh~

It was one of the busiest day. We had 9 new patients came in. Mostly with chronic kidneys and heart failures. Hmm…

I started to be fond of the working situation in Bangil. The nurses are the nicest most polite nurses I've ever met, two thumbs up! As intern, I was treated so kindly, better than how the residents here (in our teaching hospital) got treated. Every treatment outside working hour was totally on our responsibility, even for a simple fever, the nurses would consult us. They may not be as effective and intelligent as the nurses here, but they are efficient and I am very happy to be apart of the team.

The patients and their family are the friendliest too (thought I got lost in translation often). There were patients who are remarkably pleased just to see us walking in the ward. Some patients just want to be observed often, some patients who complain of dyspnea, back to breathing normally when I just put on my stethoscope and say everything is fine. They are much of psychological pain indeed. They need the touch of a person in white coat I reckon…

One of the devastation of working there is merely from the emergency department. They sent in patients with funny diagnoses and most of the time their ridiculous diagnoses don't match with the physical examination neither correspond to the lab findings. Ngak nyambung banget!! Sebel!

Seventh day in Bangil – The paranoia of hearing the phone ring is about to over. I survived 7 days of being traumatized everytime I hear my phone rings as I was on a total-on-call for 24 hours for the 7 days. The second last call was at 3 in the morning. Patient complained of dyspnea and fever. Nothing much we could do to help, but to wait for her blood transfusion. The very last call was at 5:30am, the same patient died.

So this is what you get when you call up a doctor at 3a.m - badan tembam, muka sembam, baju tidur busuk dan berslipper jepun.

I wished I could stay longer.
I like the working environment, and it was stressful to think that I had to go back working in Malang. No offence, but comparing working in a reference center and a district hospital, I prefer to be in the district. Despite of the lack of facilities, the teamwork is fairer and the affection is stronger. Unlike in here, although there are a lot of medical staffs, everyone seem to depend on everyone else, responsibilities are passed from hand to hand and it makes the tense more to a nerve-racking. I am looking forward to next 2 years where I'll be sent to puskesmas (public health center at the rurals), I bet it'll be better!p.s: I'd like to wish my cousin Yazmin Yusoff congratulations on your marriage! So sad I couldn't be around. Sob.. sob…

Bangil in 7 days (Part I)

I was distraught when I first arrived in RSUD Bangil (Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah). It looks rather like the haunted abandon hospital in typical horror movies. Ah, right! They've shifted to a new hospital, phew~

About 500 meters away is the new RSUD. Wow! Besarnya! Well, not that very big though, but for a general hospital in Indonesia, it is considered as big. I can say that it's about the size of Pantai Hospital in Ampang. In spite of the size, the hospital was pretty calm, unlike our teaching hospital back in Malang – chaos! maybe it was Sundayy… We (me and my partner, Roula) was brought up to our room which is on the first floor just above the ward we're in charged to. We stayed in a modified 1st class patients' room into intern students' room with air condition, tv and a double decker (which then both mattress were laid down on the floor before the tv).

First day in Bangil – nothing much about the work. We went around the hospital but got quite lost inside, so we got out of the building, walked from the outside and find our way back where it then rained. I was flattered that we were provided with meals three times a day. A complete healthy meal in mangkuk tingkat, but one thing I've learned is that Malang's tempe is the best!

One new patient, and one death case.

Second day in Bangil – it was Monday. We started our day with ground ward round with the resident, which was Dr. A, a petite woman, quick and savvy! Went around 8 wards, covered about 40 patients, in about 1 hour – crazy? Exhausted!

Then we were called for a consultation at the Obgyn department. I had to go alone. So I drag along the ECG machine (on a trolley) all the way up to the obgyn ward. Damn, why don't they have elevator? The infrastructure of the hospital is considerably funny, I am not going to elaborate more on it.

The slightest amenities yet has made me learn better in observing patients. For instance, they don't have the facilities to check the serum electrolyte in blood, therefore one of the ways to identify patients with hyperkalemia is by observing their breath and confirmed with a sign of Kussmaul. Therefore with the slightest indication, KSR and Kayexalate are the two safest therapy we could give (the correction of potassium is supposed with Calcium gluconas + D40% + insulin). Meanwhile to counterpart an unconfirmed hypokalemia state, we only suggest the patient to consume bananas and tomatoes.

However I'm glad I went through it, the challenge of working in a place where facilities are at the least you can get. Like… dragging the ECG machine is something I know I won't have to do later back in Malaysia, it may be one of the funniest memory.

So, that day, I had 6 new patients and no death case!

Third day in Bangil – That morning, we put on our guiltiest-most-pitiful faces while walking into the office. The nurses gave us their thwarted faces instead. We were sorry that we didn't hear the phone ring, we got 4 missed calls, and sorry we didn't hear them knocking on our door when they were to informed us that there were 2 new patients came in (that was around 12am). Thank God they were all fine…

That day, we had Nasi Punel for lunch. It was Bangil's specialty and was recommended by our seniors who were there previously. I must say that… tak sedap pon!

Fourth day in Bangil – I met with countless patients with several of complains and still so hilarious. Since majority (almost all) my patients there at the 3rd class are all came from the rural area. They hardly speak Bhs Indonesia, they speak Jowo instead. Somehow I did comprehend with some of their sentences but I always have Roula with me (my partner, my translator).

Came a patient with a history of Diabetes, and I asked for how long has she been suffering from it. The answer was very subjective…

"Lupa tahunne piro, pas arekne eki sak umure telo"

(forgot exactly what year (she was diagnosed with Diabetes), but it was since her daughter was three)

And the daughter is now 15 years old.

So then you see the importance of having a lot of kids. You may not remember the year, but as mothers, you'll have the vivid memory of how old your child was back in the days. That is how you keep track of your life… your children – the memory of bringing them up!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


If my backside is north, than my chair is south. They're like magnetic poles sticking to each other. Once I sit here, facing my laptop, nothing but strength of will power can take me off here. Concerning that I got too over it and I had tones of tasks to be done, therefore I made a challenge to myself – a challenge of me competing myself with a price of success and better disciplinary.

Before I could get my ass of my chair, I challenged myself to be done with all the tasks by 8:30pm (45 minutes)

On my mark… get set… GO!

I ran to the bath and wuduk, then solat, then gather all my stuff to be packed, make a list of what to bring, packing, packing, packing, clean up my room, change to Pjs and tarrraaa there I'm done! (if I could record myself on a video, I might look like someone who is on a game show competing against time, tapi compete sorang2! Must be funny!)

Time off – 8:45pm.

Although I am 15 minutes exceeding my own time goal, but I'm glad I successfully packed my stuff!
So, I packed my bags…
I am going off on a duty outstation for a week.
Whoa, I like how this sounds – sounds so work-ish-ly, so grown-up thing, so matured, so serious!

Precisely, tomorrow at 7:30am I am going off to this so place named Bangil. A two-hour drive from Malang. I have not much anticipation on how the place is going to be, but from the story told by seniors, Bangil is going to be just fine. Nothing much of entertainment to expect since it has less to offer than what is here in Malang. Nevertheless, I am optimistic about the experience I'll gain working over there in the public health center.

There, will be me and another one girl as the Dokter Muda and with one residence. We'll be fully in charge of the medical department for the whole week. Yes, just the three of us.

While packing my bags, I was pessimist about packing my baju tidur… hahaha! Okay, tried not to be cynical (I'll sure have more time to sleep), I've put in Zhaf's tshirt, just in case.

I pray that everything will be just fine, come what may~

So, see you again next Sunday (or Monday perhaps).

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Death declaration

Pathetically my first death declaration was a drama I fortuitously stuck in between…

A patient died on a frenzied resuscitation by the nurses and declared to deceased by my senior, no family member was around (since it was in the HND unit). A second later, the family was called in (without knowing that the patient has already died). By the moment when the daughter (of the dead patient) came in, the nurses started to resuscitate the 'patient' all over again.

Stuck in between the scene, I was confused, kenapa nak resuscitate lagi? Bukan tadi dah cakap mati ke? What's going on??

On the other scene, the daughter was howling in despair by the 'dead' mother, hoping that the mother could make it.

Frenetically, one of the nurses (the chief I guess) pulled me to come over the patient and with an uptight voice she said

"Ayo dokter, sini check pasiennya!"

Again, I was confused! Why should I check up on a dead person for? Ah, whatever~ so I checked her up. So carotid pulse not detectable, so did the radial pulse, no heart beat was heard, both pupils were dilated to the maximal and I thought to myself hmm… right, memang dah mati pun

"jadi gi mana dokter??!!" the nurse asked. Betul la dia dah mati, dah tau lagi nak tanya…

The daughter looked at me hoping that I would tell her something better than death.

With a total confusion and thoroughly out of conscious, I looked at the nurse and said

"Sudah ga ada"

Oh sh**! Now I remember, I should have had told the family member first, not the nurse, and I should put on my empathy face while saying it, and I should make a better phrase to break it! Damn failed! So wrong! In a nick of time, I got back to reality and realized that it was my call to announce it. I looked at the daughter's face and said… Well I don't remember how I exactly put it into words, but as soon as I told her, she fainted!


So then I understand of what the drama was all about. If the drama was not apprehended before the eye of the daughter, she would have fainted earlier and would get disappointed for not be there by the mother's side on her last breath. Although we all knew that the she did not, at least she didn't.

Early declaration

2:00 am (approximately 12 hours after my first death declaration) – I was sitting alone at my table. The ward was soundless, everyone was sleeping or trying to get some sleep, so did the nurses. While me, I was all awake (in case of some nocturnal complains) reading/learning on patients' record, when suddenly a man came to me and said

"dokter, ibu saya sudah meninggal"


I suddenly felt ticklish, I thought it was a joke and rather funny. Because… because I never thought of someone else who could declare a death but doctors. And it was funnier because… because it was the family member who declared it to a doctor! Reverse!

I ran to the bed, and check up on the 'dead' patient. Vital signs were wholly undetectable.

Eh, betul lah, dah mati! Pandai jugak bapak ni check!

"Maaf pak, ibunya sudah ga ada"

The person looked completely calm. Oh yea, he knew!

p.s: Lemon man passed away on Tuesday

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Lemon Man and his useless daughters

I was somewhat angry yesterday morning at this person and about to tell the husband that his wife is awfully useless!

"kok begok banget isterimu pak?!!" (cakap dalam hati la tapi!)

So the story begins…

That night was rather a robust, the most hectic on-call I've ever been so far…

Approximately 11 a.m, a 64 year old man was sent from the A&E into ward 27. He was the 5th new patient admitted into my ward within the first 7 hours.

Digi man! A skinny version!

OMG, he is so yellow! Rather look like a lemon but with a uremic breath odor. Jaundice…

Therefore, my first task (as usual) was to interview him or his family besides checking on his vital signs and physical examinations. The man himself speaks better Bahasa Indonesia rather than his two daughters (useless!!). Those ladies (the patient's daughters) somehow got on my nerve! They looked at me as if I was speaking of alien's language and was hypnotizing them, they didn't answer to any of my questions but to nod. Whatta??!

After clerking on 4 patients, non-stop entertaining 38 patients in the ward, observing on a dying man, running here and there and everywhere and haven't eaten since lunch, they seems to handed me the license to spankI felt like slapping and smacking down those two girls for not helping me (or rather their ill father) at all, but to give me the ridiculous retarded faces!

Fast forward to the next morning, the patient got critically yellow-er with the Hb (hemoglobin) count was too low that he needed blood transfusion immediately.

Once again, I have to put on my alien mask and talked to the women explaining the condition of their father and the planning therapy. Again, they gave me the cold stone that the other sensible strangers around them (who were eavesdropping) had to explain to them (in bahasa jawa) of what I actually meant about their dad. And guess what? They still couldn't get the gist and asked me to wait for one of their husbands to come and re-explain it to him.


Due to the well-known long and ridiculous procedures and beaurocracy of the hospital (or the government – Indo nesia gitu loh~) for making it such a troublesome for the poor-citizens to deal with in order to get free treatment. As consequences, the patient's family then had to go through a long administration procedure in order to get a few packs of blood for him.

Considering that the poor yellow man had only one son-in-law to count on, I helped him prepare some of the documents needed for the administration and divide the job accordingly to the other two useless women too. So I sent the man for the toughest procedure to deal with at the blood bank, while the other two women to get some papers photostated and to claim some drugs at the pharmacy.

"Pak, bawa surat2 ini ke PMI buat ngambil darahnya",

He nodded comprehend to my command, while clutching a stalk of papers on his both hands, with another list of procedures for him to settle there at the blood bank itself.

"Ibu ke apotek, kasi resep ini buat ngambil obat",

She seemed very blurry, didn't know what to do.

Aargh!! Please deh! Tu pon tak faham ke??!

Pak, whats wrong with your wife??! How can you married to this kind of retard??!! Bukannya cantik sangat pon! Simple order macam tu pun tak faham ke?! It's the matter of life and death of her father we're discussing about here and she can still manage to be so blurry??! Sepak kang!

Therefore, the husband took all the task to settled everything, from the blood bank to the pharmacy and to the photostat shop. Thus the patient would have had to wait longer to be treated.

I plak yang jadi emo and stress…

So, the conclusion here, men listen up, don't marry stupid women!

And women, listen up, be independence and go to school!

Friday, December 11, 2009


I'm dedicating this song to you for the I-can't-remember-how-many times since I first heard it 4 years back… just because I need to remind myself of you and for you to know.

To be with you is the righteous decision I've made under my utter most genuine sentiment.

And to love you is an unadulterated affection I've ever given to anyone, but you.

Thank you especially for your trust and understanding and for being the most supportive. What more can I say?

To Zhafri, Imma stickwitu!

I don't wanna go another day,
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
Seems like everybody's breaking up
Throwing their love away,
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say…

Nobody gonna love me better
I must stick with you forever.
Nobody gonna take me higher
I must stick with you.
You know how to appreciate me
I must stick with you, my baby.
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I must stick with you.

I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
See the way we ride in our private lives,
Ain't nobody getting in between.
I want you to know that you're the only one for me
And I say

And now
Ain't nothing else I can need
And now
I'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me.
I got you,
We'll be making love endlessly.
I'm with you
Baby, you're with me

So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's all that counts.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Careful of what you wished for

Last night was among the hectic nights on-call as I was in charge for two wards at a time – Ward 29 and HND unit.

During the Midday Report, no patient from the HND was seriously handed off to me. However, just before the meeting ended, there was a call to inform that two new patients had just been admitted. Oh God, what a hectic start! So I rushed there with the residence to clerk on the patients, which whom had a profuse hematemesis melena a.k.a vomiting of blood and bloody stool, while the other patient was handed to a different doctor.

From the HND, I rushed to ward 29, in which I had to tapper-down the infuse drip and also to observe the patient who was suffering numbers of complications of HIV AIDS. He whom I had to observe every 15 minutes, while I had the bloody patient in HND to report on and 2 patients to ECG. I always thought that I am the kind of organized person, but in yesterday's case, I was confused. Which one first?

Rushing here and there until I realized there was only about 20 minutes left til Maghrib ended. Took off my coat and straight away to the tiny cubicle behind the HND to pray. For once, I felt relief. I prayed to Allah if He could make my work a little bit lighter for the night. Just few seconds after that, I heard cries and howls outside the room. I guessed so, must be one of the patients died.

Actually, one of the two new patients died. In another word, I only left with only one patient to highly observed on. Alhamdulillah, ringan sikit kerja!

Don't get me wrong, I felt sorry for the loss of the other patient, but I believe that it was just her time to go because I'm sure the residence doctor already tried her best to help.

If that was the way Allah answered to my prayer, I must say "Hmm.. that was fast!"

Monday, December 7, 2009


One of the nights during my on-call, I was monitoring on a severely ill old woman, with her family all around surrounding the bed. This was the patient I blogged about, the screechy old woman who screeched every half a minute, however she was already on coma that night (thus, the ward was calmer and the other 37 patients no longer had to suffer from a deafening nights).

As I was probing on her pulse, I realized that two of her daughters who were sitting opposite of me are whispering to each other probably gossiping about me in Jawa language (as if I don't understand…) and probably trying to read my nametag. Then one of them said,

"Dokter Nabilah"

"Ngih?" I replied 'yes' in Jawa.

Both of them laughed, surprised that I could too speak in Jawa perhaps.

"Nanti anak saya ta namain 'Nabilah' juga" (Later I'll name my daughter by the name Nabilah)

"Oh ya? Kenapa?"

"Biar nanti dia bisa jadi dokter juga"

Well, I don't think I have met any doctors by the same name as mine…

"Nama apa-apa juga bisa jadi dokter kok bu…" as I was ensuring her that doctors aren't made by their names.

Then, she replied,

"Maksud saya, biar dia bisa jadi dokter cantik seperti dokter Nabilah"


Hold on, did I just heard she said 'cantik'???! Only God knows how kembang I was that time!

So, that was part of the story…

Later that night at around 1:50am while I was reading on my table, one the sons came complained that their mother was panting. The nurses helped me got the resuscitation equipments and I called up the residence. After few minutes of chest compression and ventilation, the mother was gone. Al-Fatihah~

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Iota #20 – Time

I finally have time to…

Changed my bedsheet after a month

Replace a new toothbrush after 2 months

Swept the floor after a week

Arranged the clothes into my wardrobe after 2 weeks the laundry-man delivered

Tied up the trash bag after I-can't-remember-how-many weeks

Refill the dehumidifier beads after 2 months

Refill the cereal in the jar

Go for groceries shopping to stocked up cartons of fresh milk for breakfast


I thank God so much that I still have time for showers at least twice a day, shampoo at least once in two days and do everything that human does for living.

Sometimes in the morning I wake up, it reminds me of my sweet old days during school. I don't mind waking up in the morning, but how I wish I were home. When I got all ready to school, Kak Ati would have the breakfast prepared on the table, then I would take my own sweet time eating breakfast. However now, things are not the same anymore.

Now, I woke up by the alarm clock. There is not much time for me to get ready for work because the time for my self-preparation is now divided into two, which one is for preparing breakfast. Therefore, despite of how important breakfast is for me, the most I can prepare are hot milo and toasted bread. Or else, I would only get a bowl of cereal in lotsa milk.

I'm thinking, by the time I start working, half of my first salary I would save to hire a maid to help me manage my daily activities (more like a PA perhaps, hehe) and I would also invest big money on a very good coffee maker machine. I'm starting to love coffee.

Coffee smells the best in the morning after you get out of the shower.

p.s : going off to Surabaya tomorrow! Edward I'm coming…~

Friday, December 4, 2009

Chewing on time

Can't believe that I just went through a crazy 60-hour life at the hospital (merely home for showers)!!!

Overall, it was a good one. Maybe I wouldn't mind repeating it! It had only been for 2 nights since I last laid myself onto my missed-most bed, but it feels like forever!

To answer to most frequent asked question – yes, I did have some sleep, there in one of the rooms that is especially allocated for the interns. Besides, I had a few power naps too whenever I feel like it.


The 60-hour has awaken the ugly hungry beast inside of me and for a moment, I forgot about what its called 'fat'. I eat and snacks whenever I had the time to. The nurses always have a feast of foods on the table for everyone, from kerepek, biscuits, cakes to even fritters.

Not to mention, Dr.Fren has always got something for me whenever she sees me on-call. On Wednesday evening, she brought me es degan and buah salak when I came to meet her at the residences' hall. Initially, I had a homework to be done, so she supposedly find me some books to read. Besides, she just got a DSLR camera and got excited about exploring her new toy. Ended up, we both put the DSLR on the tripod and start to pose on crazy pictures together (yeah in the residences' hall).

Yesterday, under the hot scorching sun, she called me up to hang up in her fully air-conditioned car (there is not aircond in the hospital). It was a quick short break, but was really a relief to finally get to sit on a proper cushioned seat in an air-conditioned space. Then she took out a box of cute cakes, cupcakes, éclairs and swiss rolls she just bought from The Sisters. Whoa makan makan makan before we both went off for duty.

Oh yea, of course we had some chat which was mainly about my exhausting hours and condemned morning report with Dr.H that morning. I'm glad that as a junior intern in the department, I have her as a senior specialist residence (which is more as a friend) to guide me around.

That evening, when only on-callers was left behind to the wards, Zana sms-ed. She asked if I am going back for dinner, since my housemates were cooking. They made tomyam and kuih keria! Then I rushed home for dinner. Yummmmmy~

This evening, after my 60-hour, we went to Confetti for ice creams and dinner! BuRrrrp*

Ngantuk! To be continued…

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Since I don't have much time to write a proper post, I guess this video says apart of me.

The Saturdays I love~

I'll be in the hospital for approximately 60 hours starting tomorrow (til Friday). So catch you back on this Saturday!

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