How on earth can everything be put into short forms?! Argh, these nuisance people are too over 'creative' to create such words to make annoyance out of other people!
I may not have travelled all around the world, but so far from all the countries I've been to, Indonesia has the most words in their language. I don't know if they have a special council managed by the government to guard their language (like DBP – Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka in Msia), but everyone seems to know the meaning of each word.
For instance, Malas means lazy, Muales means too lazy, Muaaales les les means extremely lazy!
These are some examples I found in my IKM (Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat = Public Health) notes :
Puskesmas : Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat
Pustu : Pembantu Pukesmas (refer above)
Polindes : Which I still find the meaning…
Posyandu : Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (once someone translated it as 'postman yang rindu' LOL!)
P2M : Pemberantasan Penyakit Menular
Naker : Tenaga Kerja
SDM : Sumber Daya Manusia
SKN : Sistem Kesehatan Nasional
Alkes : Alat Kesehatan
RM : Rekam Medis (Medical Record)
Kader : Still on search for the meaning…
Kaber : Kamar Bersalin
Depdiknas : departemen pendidikan nasional
Yankes : Pelayanan Kesehatan
RI (er-E) : Republik Indonesia
Gakin : Keluarga Miskin
Balita : Bayi lima tahun
TKW (tay-car-way) : Tenaga Kerja Wanita (your maids)
TKI (Tay-car-E) : Tenaga kerja Indonesia (the contructor workers who built your house)
KLB (Kay-Ell-Bay) : Kejadian Luar biasa (phenomenon) TKP (Tay-car-pay) : Tempat Kejadian Perkara (crime scene)
And these are some of the terms / words to live by on your daily life :
BT (bay-tey) : Bad Tempered
GR (gay-er) : Gede Rasa (perasan)
Dugem : Dunia gemerlapan (night life @ clubbing – yea I know, like.. OMG!)
ABG (are-bay-gay) : Anak baru gede (teenagers
Waria : Wanita Pria (pondan)
Curhat : Curahan hati (mengadu)
FLU : Feeling Lonely uhhh
Orgil : orang gila
Nasgor : Nasi Goreng
PDKT (pay-day-car-tey) : pendekatan (as if getting close to get to know someone)
TTM : teman tapi mesra
HTS (Har-Tay-Ass) : Hubungan Tanpa Status
Batagor : Bakso Tahu Goreng
Jadul : Jaman dulu (old fashioned)
Gaptek : Gagap teknologi
Lemot : Lemah otak (this is funny!!)
Telmi (tell me?) : Telat mikir (slow thinker)
Jablay : Jarang dibelai (for janda, jomblo/single, etc)
Jaim : Jaga imej
Kuper : kurang pergaulan (loner)
Lem biru : Lempar beli baru (e.g: Hape mu rusak? Lem biru aja!)
These are only about less than 10% of their words-of-absurdity.
Thank god I survived! Still surviving… surviving… surviving!!! breath in, breath out! GO BIL!!!
Oh, and btw, girls, if you're on a BT due to PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), please don't say that you're on PMS, cause it means Penyakit Menular Seksual here… STD u know~
Okay now, back to study! Final exams start tomorrow. Good luck to myself!
Alamak, dah ngantuk!