Saturday, May 30, 2009

LOVE - big, huge, gigantic and larger than life!!!

When I'm in love, I enormously spin the world and nothing can stop me!

I'm falling in love again. Oh wait, not again but I just got the love booster jab right through my heart, I am chronically in an intense love affair. My heart is beating now and it ain't like how tachycardia can ever describe it. HE is my heartthrob, my first ever love. I am so devoted, I worship this affection.

Introducing… (do I still need to introduce him?)
the biggest cookie-candy-apple-crumbled-oreo-mixed-starbucks-frappucino of my heart – Jordan Taylor Hanson. *lup dup lup dup lup dup (heartbeat goes 700 times per second)*

Oh baby, you're awake! And you vastly shake my world once again with your oh-so-melting voice and songs! I'm glad you were born in this century or Shakespeare would have to retire early from poetry writing (obviously because Taylor Hanson is farrrr more talented and romantic than him), and thus we're fate to 'meet'. Thought it's tougher to catch the fame in this era, your talent is still indomitable and you're forever my #1.

Still a Hanson, though he has a new project – a band, Tinted Windows and is apart of the band as vocalist (duh~ his voice is the north pole cause of melting). Listening to "A Kind of a Girl", I believe it is written for me (I always knew that all the songs he wrote are for me). I'm enjoying my life and my world is spinning round and round again! I knew you will always rock my world!!! And I will forever have faith in you!

Damn, I need solidifier (as I am progressively melting right now)…


Taylor Hanson's new band
Tinted Windows on Twitter
Tinted Windows

Friday, May 29, 2009

Eh eh (nothing else I can say)

*music mode : Eh eh (nothing else I can say) – Lady Gaga (I just feel like going 'eh eh, eh eh' this whole night long).

Thesis examination's date might be changed. Most probably, by high chance that it's going to be earlier than scheduled. I'm fine. The sooner the better, the greater stress load nonetheless. It's okay, relax Bil… inhale – exhale!

Gotta make that confirmed this Monday! Then I can start practicing for the presentation, and wear all the anticipations on. Not forgotten, to prepare flaunting sentences in case if I got stumped by tricky questions from the examiners later and don't know how to answer – confidence and some pretentious are what important . Man, I can feel the heat is coming!

Since I declined my participation for English debate to represent my class, I've reinstated my 'guilt' by participating in the English Mixed Quiz this evening, hence won the first place! Yay!!! Hail to all my team mates, good job guys!!! About the debate, I really apologized that with no specific reason of declination, I really don't feel like debating in any time now, my heart is just not there when my mind is burdened with so many things to deem. For this year's Dekan Cup, although we are not going to have chorus speaking, I hope I helped the class with the quiz, at least we won some money for our 'show' later! Yeeehaaa, yaribba! *neigh sound*

Final exam is just around the corner… okay!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hari yang panjang

Hari ini adalah suatu hari yang dianggap 'done' tapi sebenarnya 'undone'YET. Yer lah, itu kan dah jadi salah satu daripada erti Indonesia kepada saya – Undonesia.

Memang membengangkan, tapi biasa lah. Sejuk… sejuk… (cool). Tarik nafas, hembus nafas. Phew~

5:30 am : Buat julung kalinya tidak tidur semula setelah Subuh, kerana harus menyelesaikan beberapa tugas yang terkendala akibat tertidur awal semalamnya.

Bertemankan Teh Tarik 3 in 1 cap ChekHup dan biskut gula cap Khong Guan. OMG, teh tarik ku rupanya tinggal 1 sachet sahaja lagi. Ini semua gara-gara Angah yang tersalah beli. Angah, I asked for CekHup teh tarik, not Ipoh White Coffee!!!

7:30 am : (ponteng kelas) Setelah selesai semuanya, saya keluar rumah menuju kedai photostat yang berhampiran untuk memfotostat dan membeli binder clip yang cukup besar untuk meng'klip' Tay-Are (TA @ Tugas Akhir @ thesis) saya yang setebal 70 page okAY~. Tetapi malangnya kedai itu tutup, jadi saya terpaksa meneruskan perjalanan langsung ke tempat menunggu angkut. Mujur, ada ada satu kedai photostat dekat situ (saya seboleh-bolehnya tak nak photostat dekat campus sebab mereka mencekik darah), tapi rupa-rupanya, nyonya tua tauke kedai tu lagi mencekik darah. Ada ke patut fotostat harga 200 rupiah sekeping! Mahal tau!! Klau nak convertkan, lebih kurang 7 sen, tapi saya rasa macam 20 sen. Juga, saya membeli klip kertas besar dengan harga Rp2000.

8:00 am : sampai di lab mikrobiologi. Yay, saya nampak Drh. Sri Murwani. Alhamdulillah… bukan senang nak jumpa dia! Dia hanya ada di kampus sampai jam 8:30 pagi. Dokter ni memang sibuk, sebab dia bukan sahaja seorang pakar mikrobiologi, tetapi dia juga dosen (lecturer) di kampus dan juga seorang doktor haiwan!!! Untuk membuat temu janji dengan beliau, saya terpaksa memonteng tiga kuliah! Setelah mendapatkan tandatangan beliau, saya ke lab Faal (physiology), untuk mendapatkan tandatangan Dr. Soemardini pula (atau nama glamournya Dr.Din)

9:20 am : Setelah satu jam menunggu, akhirnya, itu dia Dr.Din datang dengan Mercedes antiknya. Dr.Din menyarankan agar saya mendapatkan seorang dosen dari lab Biochemistry yang mau dan sudi untuk melihat presentasi dan sekali gus menjadi penguji bagi TA saya. Dua orang dosen BioChem ter-famous adalah doktor gigi, tetapi malangnya mereka sangat sibuk dan terpaksa menolak permintaan untuk menjadi penguji saya.

9:40 am : Setelah beberapa nombor saya telifon dan menghabiskan beribu-ribu rupiah credit, saya berjaya mendapatkan seorang penguji, iaitu Dr. Supranowo dari lab Pathology Anatomy. Walaupun dulu saya ingatkan dia adalah seorang pembantu lab *malu*
(don't play2, dia antara orang yg terpenting di Rumah Sakit Dr.Saiful Anwar yang dapat mendiagnosa pasti suatu keganasan cancer, tumor, dll), tapi sejak dulu saya memang suka doktor ni, tak tau kenapa. Mungkin sebab dia kelihatan sangat baik, suci dan menenangkan (sebab dia selalu pakai baju warna putih dan dahi dia ada tanda macam orang kuat sembahyang!! Hehe :P ).

10:00 am : Dari kampus, saya terus berangkat ke hospital kerana Dr. Supranowo sedang bekerja di lab PA.

10:30 am : Sampai di hospital dan bertemu dengan beliau yang sedang asyik melihat slide di bawah mikroskop. Walaupun saya cuma ingin mendapatkan tandatangan beliau, tetapi right there and then juga doktor itu cuba menguji saya. Hah, menggeletar juga vesicle urinary saya mendengarkan soalan2cepumas dari dia.

Tapi seperti biasa, dengan Pay-Day (PD @ Percaya Diri @ self confidence) saya menjawab soalan2 itu dengan muka penuh ke-kondifenan, walaupun sebenarnya saya menghentam.

Mungkin kah ini soalan2 yang bakal ditanya pada hari presentasi saya kelak? Google, jangan tak google!

11:00 am : Pulang ke rumah untuk meng'print' bebarapa dokumen, tapi sebenarnya saya tak perlu pun dokumen tu. Jadi saya keluar semula dan mengambil angkut ke kampus (again!). Semasa menunggu angkut, saya ke kedai fotostat nyonya tua yang mencekik darah tadi. Saya beli lagi satu binder clip.

11:20 am : Sampai di kampus untuk bertemu dengan Dr. Din, tetapi dia sedang menguji thesis orang lain. Jadi saya ke lab parasitology untuk bertemu dengan Dr. Sudjari (so far, dia lah doktor yang saya paling rapat, sebab dia dosen pembimbing (consultant) I untuk thesis ini) dengan harapan dia dapat memberikan jawapan kepada soalan2 mencabar dari Dr. Supranowo tadi.

Setelah berbincang, akhirnya saya mendapat sedikit masukan bernas yang akan saya fikirkan ayat-ayat bombastic untuk menjawab pertanyaan2 itu pada hari presentasi/ujian thesis itu nanti!

11:45 am : Bertemu juga dengan Dr.Din untuk mendapatkan tandatangan terakhir untuk melayakkan saya menentukan tarikh ujian TA. Setelah berjaya mendapatkan semua tandatangan-tandatangan penting dari kesemua dosen-dosen yang terlibat, saya langsung berlari ke office TA untuk mendaftar. Tapi nampaknya masa sangat mencemburui saya, semua kakitangan di situ sudah keluar berehat.

12:00 pm : Pergi makan tengah hari. Bertemu dengan Putri seperti biasanya dia seorang yang sangat excited. Dia mendesak saya untuk mengikuti English debate untuk mewakili seluruh angkatan saya.
Oh man~ I'd love too, but I just have too much to think about right now. Dia merayu-rayu, tetapi saya tidak berani janji kerana saya masih 'stress' dengan TA dan tidak mampu untuk membebani lagi diri ini dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak begitu penting. Kalau saya dan debate team saya (Christina dan Andrew) mengikuti debate pada tahun ini, mungkinkah kami akan mengulangi sejarah? *pandang atas sambil memikirkannya*

1:00 pm : office tu masih belum beroperasi. Jadi saya tunggu sambil berborak-borak bersama 3 orang junior yang kebetulan ada di situ. Wah, Rohani ambil piano lesson!!! Itu lah yang saya sudah lama fikirkan, mama juga menyarankan agar saya mencari piano class, tapi piano class dgn ABRSM syllabus mahal la pula… (dekat Indon byk music syllabus lain selain ABRSM).

1:20 pm : office TA dah bukak, saya pun meneruskan proses registrasi. Tarikh ujian sudah ditentukan, dan saya berasa lega setelah semuanya 'selesai'.

2:00 pm : Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, Dr. Murwani menghantar sms dengan berita yang kurang baik. Dia tidak dapat mengkonfirmasikan tarikh ujian yang telah ditetapkan atas persetujuan semua pihak, kerana dia ada satu hal yang belum tentu. Jika benar dia tidak dapat menghadirkan diri pada hari dan masa yang ditetapkan, maka saya harus memulakan semula proses mencari tarikh baru yang sesuai dengan jadual semua dosen dan penguji dan kekosongan ruang tempat ujian. !@#%$^&* sabar… sabar…

3:00 pm : Setelah membersihkan diri dan menjalankan kewajipan yang patut, saya menunggukan hujan petang turun seperti hari-hari sebelumnya. Hujan petang bagaikan suatu rahmat yang memberikan sensasi seperti 'aircond' dimana amat sesuai untuk tidur petang yang enak yang dapat membebaskan rasa tertekan setelah seharian bertungkus-lumus berjuang untuk mengakhiri salah satu daripada beribu stress yang saya hadapi.

10:40 pm : walaupun malam masih muda, tetapi saya sudah merasakan beban di mata. Good night!

p/s : Taylor Hanson news update! BESOK saya perlu meng-google untuk mendapatkan berita terbaru dari forever-hearthrob saya itu!!! saya merindui zaman remaja dimana otak, hati dan seluruh jiwa raga saya dipenuhi dengan Hanson, Hanson, Hanson. Malah saya sudah mendapatkan restu dari papa (jika) saya mengahwini Taylor Hanson. HAHAHAHA Alaa... tu dulu! tapi sekarang?? :P

Monday, May 25, 2009

Si Bidan Terjun

Nobody can tell exactly what just happened this morning, neither did I.

I woke up to a normal morning in Malang (where pressures await right on my doorstep). After a long phone talk with mama, I continued escalating my Sunday morning with appreciation of a further snoozes (who wouldn't want to wake up late on Sundays?). I had exactly ten terrific hours of sleep before I finally get up of bed and join the morning coffee downstairs with my housemates.

To cut off the crap, I finally found myself in UM (Universitas Negeri Malang) with a slight idea of what exactly was happening. Prof. Siusanti (whom I just met) was organizing some kind of what consider as a big international seminar. On a glance, the topic of the seminar wouldn't interest me at all and have absolutely nothing to do with my life here. Little did I realized that that seminar had actually something big to do with moi and Kim. We were there to actually replace the main speaker in presenting the whole topic.

However, the whole idea of the seminar was supposed to be presented by an honored professor imported all the way from USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia). Eventually, the honored professor a.k.a the main speaker couldn't quite made it… and so that was why, we as very obliging helpful Malaysian were there on his behalf to present his paperwork. Quite lucky that the material was there, so all we did was just to read/present it out to the very-high-expectation audiences. Additionally, there were also professors from the Philippines and Indonesia itself who were also contributing to the topic discussed.

As Malaysian, I appalled by irresponsibility of the professor who failed to showed up (with less than 24-hour notice) and ultimately disappoint his affiliates and fellow audiences who came with high anticipation to listen to his talk. It was rather an unforgivable excuse that he missed his flight *eye-rolling, please deh!

As for us, how could we decline to relieve a desperation from someone who badly in need? I understand how disappointed and stressful Prof. Siusanti was to get such silly excuse in a such short notice (btw, she was already waiting at the Juanda airport for that so-called prof).

Anyways, the very odd topic was "The Concept of Sustainability in Arts" which we have absolute nil idea about. As far as my concern, firstly, medical study has nothing close to do with arts, no batik paintings, no sculptures nor carvings, neither do we know about Monet, Cezanne, Picasso, etc (and so you know, we only familiar with Koch, Pasteur, Ehrlich, Lister, Virchow) . Secondly, we're only SPM-graduate students and undergraduate doctors who stood on the stage with the same level with PhD and masters holders in arts. Adoi~

Thinking of the funny side of it… after the whole thing was done, there came a man (an art teacher) handing me a paper. Guess what was on it?!

A sketch of my potrait!!! And cliché-ly, his phone number… *goosebumps*

Hoi, orang pegi seminar untuk dengar la, bukan utk melukis! Klau cantik takper jugak… boleh scan and letak sini :P

p/s : Zuffy dearest, Get well soon sweetheart! hugs & kisses*

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What Indonesia means to me (Part I)

This gotta be the first part of the definition of where I focus on only certain fractions of what 'it' actually means to me.

  1. Long time ago before I have much elements to gather into my (own) definition of Indonesia : Whenever 'the word' comes I only have pictures of my maids, my grandma's maids, my aunts' maids, my neighbours' maids, the maids I see every evening at the playground and every maids I knew.

  2. Not very long time ago, anticipation grow. I imagine saloon, spas, traditional and cultural-rich people and places, variety of appetizing cheap-yet-inventive foods and of course the worst traffic jam in the world history.

  3. Right now, Indonesia is no more than stress to me. If I have to spell it out, it would be STRESS with bold and capitals.

  4. If I have to spell it again, it would be Undonesia. In which means, I AM NOT DONE (yet).

  5. I swear I wouldn't have to spell it ever again once I am really done!

  6. I always have this one huge imaginary clock ticking with the slowest most sluggish strikes – my own countdown timepiece. Countdown to graduation and leave this place for good.

  7. Here is where I learn to diagnosed myself as 'under-depression', a psychotic syndrome and one of the etiology of schizophrenic.

  8. Where I wake up every morning and have pressures delivered right on my doorstep.

  9. The country of where the gravity attraction seems stronger resulting everything to weight heavier than it looks. You wouldn't have the idea how heavy the load burdens are although they are invisible.

  10. Here, I live by sin. Whenever I was asked by the locals how do I find Indonesia (denoting that I compare Malaysia and Indonesia), I'd dishonestly answered "sama aja".

  11. The place of no 'today'. I live here thinking of tomorrows and days ahead. Please, make my tomorrow.

  12. Every footstep I take, is for a reason. And I have so many reasons.

  13. Every rupiah I spent, is one step poorer.

  14. Here, I have to draw a flow-map whenever I am hungry.

  15. I seem to have coconut shell on my head… and one huge one surrounding my house, I'm living underneath it.

  16. This is where I was programmed and trapped in this now metallic robotic body.

  17. Where everyone expects everyone to be machine-like, strong, sleep-resistant, can complete bundles of workloads, and have memory of computerized-brain.

  18. This may sound funny, but I do have 'emergency bag'. Earthquakes, volcanoes eruption, tsunami, who can tell exactly?

  19. The country of multi racial and one of the most population, but not a single soul fits me.

  20. The country of millions acres and millions of islands, but not an inch is a home for me.

  21. This is where I believe to have hold my goals and my future, therefore, this is where I have to be.

  22. The place I only be happy to be for the reason to make my parents enjoy their blissful days without me around.

  23. And for my brothers and sisters to end their days of torment of having such (State your description of me here) sister.

  24. Being here, is a disregarded waste, trash away just for the sake of checking out one of your trouble away.

  25. Where I come to a realization of how important I am to myself. And appreciation to fakeness.

  26. Your 'love' truthfully done nothing better but another heartache.

  27. When I am here, and I know what's happening there, I freak. And even if I don't have any idea what's happening there, I still freaked out.

  28. Where family nor friends can't perpetually keep me safe on the ground but prayers and reciting the holy Quran.

  29. Where the only way to settled a problem is by forgetting it.

  30. Here, is where I lost my home to.

  31. Indonesia – Alhamdulillah I am alive.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Iota #14 - BRB

It's been ages... I think I've to blog.
My rambling mind has gone out for a stressful vacation, left my fingers out longing for a little dance on the keyboard.

I'll be back. WILL.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Camp and beach!

Of all the places on Earth, beaches are the closest to heaven. Well, I just made this up. I know you can always be closer to God and heaven wherever you are… but literally, beaches are too.

Bil Does Camp!

Someone just couldn't believe me when I said I just came back from camping. Isn't the word 'camping' suits me? It depends actually… believe it or not I already went camping five times in my whole life! Of course it is not a big deal for those camping lovers, but for those people who thought that I am the-hotel-and-resort-holiday kinda girl, you gotta update your brain man! Because Bil does camp!

The first time I went for camping when I was 7 with my cousin who was also 7. Seven! I don't think any of your ever went camping as early as that age… well, it wasn't exactly camping, but it was an exclusive program for summer camp – Bakaprep Summer Camp at Morib. We were the youngest participants in that camp, possibly because we were too smart that we got the offer (there was actually some kind of IQ test program our parents send us, and seemed like we passed excellently with other adults participants that we were offered to join the camp) . If only I was matured enough to enjoy that camp rather than getting homesick all week there, it would be one hell of ecstatic experience.

Second summer camp when I was 14, went with my brother. I was matured enough to enjoy natures of Dusun Eco Resort, however the program wasn't really that-fun for me. Perhaps, I am not really that kind of 'forest and jungle' kinda girl.

Third summer camp was one heck of coolest experience I've ever had. The Urban Summer Camp at Kompleks Sukan Negara. Though it is an urban camp, we still put up camps and bonfire and had other camping activities plus even more exclusive experiences. We visited all the stadiums in KSN, play on the turf where world class athletes compete, swim in the olympic-sized pool where Ian Thorpe was once won a medal, jump into their gym, sit on the seats where the VIPs of Commonwealths were once set their asses on, and even abseiled down from the stadium roof top.

Forth and fifth camp were what I called the 'real' camps. Totally trucks, tents, bonfires and barbecues. Although the toilet was the most pathetic toilet I've ever been to, yet I must say the worst toilet on Earth, but I enjoyed the whole camp as I am a big fan of beaches.

Love for beaches I love beach so much that I didn't want to miss any second to enjoy it that I couldn't sleep. I did sleep actually, hitherto the most beautiful sleep I've ever had, where my whole body touches the sand, where my eyes perceive the whole starry night sky, and the zephyr grasp of exquisite ocean breeze gently brush off my skin – oh heaven~

I cherish every moment in the camp, with everyone there and I really appreciate the big effort that the organizers had put into it just to make it an unforgettable experience for everyone. Though the midnight games were out of the agenda, however I thank those who joined my crazy sleepless night.

After all, beaches fascinate me too much. Too much that I want to live by the ocean where I can heed the clutters of waves, behold the horizon line in every view of my windows, observe the sunsets, jogging by the low tide beach every morning, scrutinized every living creature in the clear water, indulged myself a sea sand spa, get a wardrobe of only bikinis, parios, shirts, shorts and summer dresses, slip my feet only in slippers, sip fresh coconut drinks everyday and do everything everything about beach and the ocean. Perhaps I would get myself a boat so I can go cruising…

And I am preparing venue for my dream beach wedding… where the hell can I get a nice romantic beach nearby SJ? Sunway Lagoon? Lol!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All that since then…

Life is getting less hectic, and it's not all that good news as I am getting less occupied in which means more of lazing around. I finally get back my evening naps and go-online-for-forever.

Clerkship is finally over, phew~

I always wanted to write some of my valuable and some of tedious experiences during the eight-weeks-non-stop clerkship. Nevertheless, I am not in that very mood to play with words cause there are surely much to portray and express. I still (however) think that my 2 weeks of clinical attachment in HKL was more worth-it and fun than this, and I am trying hard not to compare here.

Zhaf came over Malang to visit me early this month (end of last month actually). I am more than happy to finally get to celebrate his birthday together this year, despite of the very modest little party at my house with my housemates. Regardless of the envious time together, we managed to get the aim done successfully, which was to get him walk into my shoes and live my so-called life here (except that he stayed at a 3-star hotel). At least, from now on, he has the picture of how things are going on around me here, like how the hospital is like, how 'fun' the angkut ride, how 'happening' Matos and MOG are, how the campus is like, and also to taste some of my common meals too.

We lost the futsal league last Sunday, terribly. Didn't know what went wrong, oh yea we had very little practice once and I believe other teams have had prepared months before the game. But it's okay, we are all very busy to commit to that anyways… Growing older is pathetic~

My after exam reward was a visit from Zhaf, now I'm getting my after clerkship reward which is camping by the beach (over this weekend). What??! Beach? Yea!!! wEee I love beaches! Bale Kambang here I come!!!

Hereby, Happy Mothers' Day mama! And since Mothers' day is everyday, Happy Mothers' Day in advance mama (for tomorrow onwards). You can have the greatest mom in the world, but my mama, she is the better than greatest mom in the whole wide universe (tak leh lawan!)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Si gemuk mengidam lagi…

After nasi ayam

Just recently, I got profusely salivated when thinking of fried rice in which I prefer to be called Nasi goreng. All my senses toiled as near to realism as possible to get my brain imagined the authentic taste of nasi goreng and thus compensate the passion with imagination.

From the delicate structures of rice and its constituents

To the signature smell of sautéed garlic, shallots, anchovies and dried prawns in a well heated wok with shining fresh palm oil

The passionate colour combination of soy sauce and mixed vege (well, I hate the processed mixed vege – so fake and plagiarized the taste. I prefer freshly mixed vege of long beans, carrots and some greens)

The original taste of fusion of several unique sauces and seasonings that gives different experiences on every bite

The unique and inventive servings with that warm air surrounded the mountain of rice that surely stimulated every salivary glands…

And all about Nasi goreng was vividly played on my mind over and over as my saliva drool in excess. But all I wanted was that very nasi goreng from abang kakak, in which nowhere could be found. Sleeping didn't help to stop the cravings, so I cooked my own nasi goreng few days after. The distinctive different taste from what I have imagined, but still it was called nasi goreng, so I succumbed and stop craving.

Tonight, is the peak craving for Danish butter cookies. This I have been longing for the past 2 days. I've checked the large tin of Danish's but it was too costly for my budget. I didn't get the small packet since I know I'll be hunger for more. I thought my Iman was strong enough to hold it, but I am still hankering til this second. I've tried to reimburse this craving over Biskut Tiger, and I have finished up the large pack, but still the craving is there. Somewhere, up in my brain, down to my salivary gland and rocking my tummy.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Iota #13 – I’m my own childhood superhero. Can be yours too~

Fighting crimes trying to save the world,

Here they come just in time… The Powerpuff Girls!!

BILossom – Saving the world before bedtime.


Call me beep me whenever you need me!

Bil Possible – Don't ever mess up with me or anything that's close to me.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Malas = tua

Hitherto, I have encountered 3 damn lark cases of slothful elderly – in which the recent case had set me an ultimate knock down on my deliberation. Starting today, I promise to try my best to keep myself as occupied as possible and erase off the word 'lazy' from my dictionary. The more laziness I put myself into, the older I become, and of course so-not-hot.

Elderly by other mean, is a group of human on a certain age where being lazy is not a crime, and procrastination is another word for 'wait a minute' which a minute can be up to forever and still tolerable (forgivable sin).

Allow me to blab on some utter jokes from the hospital.

May 2009

In emergency department – resuscitation area, where action has to be taken as lightning fast as possible.

Doctor : Bapak, keluhannya apa pak?

Patient (of approximately late 60s) : pertamanya ya dok.. saya sakit perut.. keduanya.. blablabla, ketiga, blablabla

Me : (dlm hati) dah start dah grandfather story dia~ top to toe la penyakit dia...

Doc : dada nya sakit kayak apa pak? Seperti ditusuk, atau ditekan atau gimana?

Patient : (looks confused) nanti saya fikirkan…

Doc : ya, silakan… (controlling his patience down his throat)

Me : *crack out my hysterical laugh silently but with a bit of unrestrained giggle* 'nanti'??? WHEN la wahai bapak~

February 2009

This was the final scene of a doctor's trial (after 2-3 times of failure). Doctor was trying to check on patient's (very cranky old fart woman) anal muscle strength with rectal touché procedure which requires her to wrench full force to strain.

Doctor : Aunty, bila saya masuk jari dalam, aunty kasi tekan mcm mau berak. Ok?

Patient : *nodded*

Doctor : Okay aunty, teran!!! Teran sekarang!

Patient : *buat muka bodoh*

Doctor : Aunty… sudah berapa kali aunty janji mau kasi teran. Sekarang tolong kasi teran macam mau berak. Kuat-kuat! Please la aunty, teran!! Teran!!

Patient : *sigh* besok.

Doc : !@#$%^&*

Me : *crack out my hysterical laugh silently but with a bit of unrestrained giggle* Besok?? tahun depan je la skali...

February 2009

Nurse : pak cik, makan ubat ni dulu eh, bagi kurang sakit.

Pak cik : hmm… nanti la. Tunggu sihat.

Nurse : macam mane nak sihat klau tak makan ubat. Meh makan ubat ni eh…

Pak cik : malas la, takde selera…

Me : (dalam hati) pak cikkkkk please la jangan buat lawak. You are so funny alright!

So the conclusion here is either :

You become lazier as you grow older


You grow older as you become lazier.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Musim malas

Musim malas blogging. Harap maklum!

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