Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Entry panjang labuh oleh patient Manic-Depressive Bipolar Disorder

Let's see what I have been up to for these past few days...

I've been having cold sweats & shivering! Mungkin kerana sangat takut dgn supervisor psyche yg satu tu! Yang mana? Yg tu tu tu *tOot*!

Ada ke supervisor lain yang dapat menegakkan bulu roma? Ya saya seekor manusia yang berrevolusi menurut teori Darwin – bila Angah busy untuk bersama-sama ke Bangsar untuk meng'threading' segala bulu-bulu yang tidak berpatutan, kami akan merasakan diri kami tak tumpah seperti seekor orang utan. Wah, tak 'tumpah'! Dimanapun tumpahnya kuah kalau bukan ke nasi, pasti dimarahi mama "biasssse dia!", Okay fine, dah melalut! Back back and close the bracket please... ) eh, bila masa pulak ada buka bracket?
So back to the supervisor story, she is what I can categorized as one of my (dan mereka yg lain juga) extrinsic sympathetic factors! She causes piloerection (mujurlah saya seorang perempuan... - heh????).

Back to my main question (dah melalut agak jauh dari persimpangan delima - melalut lagi, fine, stop!) okay, where was I again? Oh the shivering part... Maka tersebutlah kisah setelah bertemu untuk pertama kakinya (excuse moi, spelling error yang memang disengajakan), we were very annoyed by her microphone implanted vocal cord, everyone started to show some criteria(s) to be diagnosed as 'Generalized Anxiety Disorder' whenever she is within our 5 meter radius, iaitu suatu gangguan jiwa yang termasuk dalam bahagian Neuroses bukan psychoses (kalau anda bukan medic student, sabar je la ye…), and that is especially appointed to me, ye saya hampir menjadi patient saya sendiri di wad psychiatry dengan gangguan cemas menyeluruh (ini Bahasa Indonesianya bagi 'GAD' – huh tu pun nak kena bagitau ke?)!

Tapi orang kata, orang gila tak akan mengaku dirinya gila! Alhamdulillah saya mengaku gila, maknanya saya tak gila lah! Kan? Kan? Why is there 'especially' me who got the GAD? Simply because ALL (yes babe, ALL a.k.a SEMUA!) of my assignments are under her supervision. SubhaAllah Maha Suci Allah yang menjadikan alam semesta, memang rezeki I lah! Rezeki jangan ditolak, musuh jangan dicari (pesanan dari TV pendidikan).
Ok fine, firstly the KPDM (kuliah pendamping dokter muda), then the journal reading x 2 and finally the 'responsi' (something like a case report), she'll be seeing me (yeap, for more positive vibe I reversed that sentence, instead of 'I'll be seeing her') until she got bored of my face and muntah2 darah to always have to see me in my there-must-be-something-pink attire.

Excuse me, I must not always wear something pink, but since she had warned us to wear 'ceria-meria' and 'tolong hindari pakeian hitem karena pasien mu disini depresi malah tambah depresi nanti liat dokternya item-item', so therefore i wear pink because I don't have rainbow color formal wear, sowwy :( ! kalau saya ada baju clown, pasti saya akan datang berpakaian seperti seorang badut, demi patient semua, semoga kamu semua ceria selalu!! ^_^
Kan dah kata, saya akan pakai pink untuk kelihatan lebih ceria. Walaupun skirt saya hitam, tapi tetap ada polka dots pink! Sila abaikan flip flop itu, saya tidak segila itu untuk memakai flip flop bulu-bulu ke hospital.

Talking about working attire, I thought I have already passed the 'what-to-wear-to-work' era, thanks to the white coat which covers every wrinkle on my cotton baju kurung and cloaking my funny-ly matched blouses and skirts. Jas putih membuat diriku tampil lebih PD! Eh, tiba-tiba terkeluar bahasa indon pulak!

Mempersembahkan, koas psychiatry ceria! Dengan fashion 'sambil menyelam hisap lollipop', lagi trend lho!

Jadi, kenapa bila pakai coat saya rasa lebih kondifen (maksud saya 'confident', maklumlah saya tak lulus Bahasa Inggeris masa SPM dulu… )? Sebab, sebagai seorang yang mempunyai ukuran badan yang agak 'drastic', saya mempunyai masalah dengan blouse yang butang di depan. Mungkin anda tidak akan faham masalah saya, cuma orang (wanita sahaja ya) yang senasib sahaja bisa mengerti. Sehingga saya perlu memakai safety pin di antara butang-butang baju saya untuk mengelakkan perkara yang tidak diingini terjadi. Kes rogol kan semakin meningkat, kenapa ya? Ciss, apa nih?! Tak ada kena-mengena tau dengan bahan perbincangan kita hari ini! Kadang-kadang, oleh kerana terlampau leceh untuk pasang safety pin, saya menjahitkan butang extra di antara butang-butang yang tersedia. Saya memang adalah masalah!

Your si jantung manis (sila muntah) mental consultant with another ceria fashion style. sob.. sob.. (lap hingus)

So where were we again? Oh the 'what-to-wear-to-work' era… According to that one very particular psyche supervisor, besides wearing clown's costume to the psychiatry ward (did I just say 'clown's costume'? well I mean, ceria-meria and not black), you have to wear your coat's sleeves according to your blouse's sleeves. She is annoyed to see long sleeves blouse under a short sleeves coat. Why? IDK! From my opinion, she has a low threshold of irritability, everything irritates her so that easily! Suka hati kau lah labu… layan kan je~

 Aya caramba Mister Potato! Trend masa kini dengan topi Nabil Raja Lawak, misai Datuk K dan gothee Fahrin Ahmad tidak dilupakan. Memang wallah~

One more thing, she is annoyed to see hair-on-the-loose! Maksudnya, rambut panjang yang tidak diikat. From my opinion, our dangerously long beautiful hair is envious to her, and again irritates her. Hah, macam-macam lah you ni, semuanya tak puas hati!

Bila pakai coat, kita boleh pakai sleeveless! Kalau pakai sleeveless coat pun tak mungkin akan nampak sleeve baju di luar coat kan? Tapi mungkin akan nampak ketiak! Oh no!

Tapi di situlah masalahnya… saya suka pakai coat yang berlengan pendek, tetapi kebanyakan blouse saya berlengan panjang. Jadi macam mana ni?? Kan dah jadi masalah besar! Every morning I wake up, I'd have problem sorting and mix-matching my outfits, and thinking of how to do my hair (did I ever told you that I'll hire a hairdresser to go with me everywhere once I reach a 5-digit salary?), especially in these two weeks – because I'll be working in the clinic where I'll be bumping into her everyday. Aiyayayay yo!

Nak ceria-meria dengan warna-warni dan rambut diikat seperti ekor keldai? Nah hambik ni! Saya pakaikan beading bracelet di ekor donkey. Semoga semua patient ceria! ^_^ Senyummmm!

Alright, back to the assignments thingy, the KPDM is finally done after two meetings. In which other groups done theirs in only one meeting. Takpe, sebab kita pandai pasal tu KPDM kita 2 kali pertemuaan baru habis! Followed by 'responsi' presentation tomorrow. WaAAaa besok lah gila!!! Pegi belajar la si bijak bestari! Habis arrr besok kena kao kao attack baru padan muke you nyah! And journal reading on Saturday (oh my sat-oh-dey will be gone!).

The good thing is, I've done just done with my responsi last night, finished at about 12:30am. And then I couldn't get to sleep due to the adequate dose of caffeine. Adequate! one sachet nescafe 3in1 in 1 mug.

Okay, saya dah penat. Exhausted! Setelah penat ber-blogging dengan afek/emosi dalam keadaan manic, sekarang saya akan men-depresi-kan diri, maksudnya, tidur petang... Daa~

p/s: My Bahasa Melaysia is a chaos! Hah, kan dah salah eja. Ade ke Melaysia? Malaysia la! Next time if I need a more serious post, I better avoid using BM or the whole entry will look like this! LIKE THIS – super long and madness and makes me sound as if I'm suffering from BPD a.k.a Bipolar Disorder, manic onset!

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