Monday, July 7, 2008


Eeeeeee apakah ini?!! Apa ni????!!!

I promised myself not to go online til I done reading Pancasila. Just one more paper to go and I should go Semangat! Semangat! However, only after less than 30 minutes reading, I already feel so freaking sleepy! This is not the case of STCL (Short-term-concentration-loss), but this is simply because the subject is tedious. In addition to that, the language, the sentences, the words, everything sounds so complicated! It’s almost impossible to interpret the sentences and extract the main points out. Damn absurd!

The words use is verbose and wordy more than Shakespeare could ramble. Some goes like this :

“membangun pranata yang berakarkan nilai dan norma yang menyuburkan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa”

pranata? akar? subur? ape ni?! are we planting something here? Martha Steward, help!!!

“disintegrasi bangsa dapat terjadi karena adanya konflik vertical dan horizontal serta konflik komunal sebagai akibat tuntutan demokrasi yang melampaui batas, sikap primodialisme bernuansa SARA, konflik antara elite politik, lambatnya pemulihan ekonomi, lemahnya penegakan hokum dan HAM serta kesiapan pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah”

phewwwww uh uh uh… habis nafas, terbelit2 saraf otak! And still tak faham! And a loootttt more than that!

Aaaa, tak sukenya!!!!


Anonymous said... salah eja! huhu..
bil, next sem got no more

Bil said...

sila lah berpacar!! oops, sila ber-panca!
adOiiii dah la i lupe password! camne nak check results ni~

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